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Absolutely Not in the Reiwa Era! What is the Anime 'School Days'?

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The anime 'School Days' is based on a romance simulation game that aired in 2007. This work is known for its shocking development and conclusion, which surprised many viewers. However, watching this anime in the Reiwa era highlights several issues.

Societal Values Have Changed

In the Reiwa era, people's societal values have changed significantly. In particular, attitudes towards gender and human relationships have evolved, and diversity has become more accepted. However, the human relationships depicted in 'School Days' can be seen as problematic from today's perspective.

Treatment of Characters

The main characters struggle within a complex love triangle, sometimes leading to extreme actions. This generates empathy for the characters while also attracting criticism for glorifying unhealthy relationships.

Shocking Conclusion

The most controversial aspect of 'School Days' is its conclusion. The anime's ending left a strong impression on viewers, but due to its violent scenes, it is considered unsuitable for modern viewing standards.

Currently Streaming Sites


'School Days' was a topic of conversation for its novelty at the time of broadcast, but in the Reiwa era, some aspects of its content are less acceptable. As society evolves, how we perceive and learn from past works is a challenge for each of us. It's quite a stimulating work, so it might be fun to watch it now! However, if you're not good with gore, it might be best not to watch it until the end.

©STACK・SchoolDays Production Committee 2007

Official Website of the TV Anime 'School Days'